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It is a momentous day in the world of Dota, the likes of which have not been seen for ages, for now it is proven that even the land itself is not above being modified. Along with an assortment of other changes, it's moving day for Roshan. Though don't worry, he hasn't gone far. His pit now looks out upon the river from a different angle, and nearby paths have been rerouted around his legendary den. Though his location may have changed, you can count on him defending his territory with the same murderous energies. These changes, along with many more, can be found throughout the batlefield .
2.新赏金神符(Bounty Rune)

The birth of a rune is no minor event. Forged of the most fundamental magic, this new update will unleash a rune never before seen in the world of Dota. Imbued with gold and experience, the Bounty Rune will serve to enhance your wealth and to speed the accumulation of abilities. Additionally, runes now spawn two at a time, with one at each end of the river. One of the runes will always be a Bounty Rune. Earn your bounty if you can!
3.新道具:绯红卫甲(Crimson Guard)
为了适应新的威胁,我们必须寻求新的防御。绯红卫甲(Crismson Guard)为了能在新盛起的混乱中对抗可怕的妖兽而产生的卫甲。穿上这个卫甲,你就可以准备召集你的军队并且带领抗敌。
To meet new threats, one must seek out new defenses. Originally forged during the chaos of New Bloom to defend against the dreaded Year Beast, the Crimson Guard is now ready to join the ancient war. Suit up in this armor, and you'll be ready to rally your forces and lead the charge against the enemy.
新的技能(Blood Rite)已经替代屠戮(Bloodbath),现在他更能将血液造成属于他的领域告诉你他一直看着你。
As if an eyeless seeker of blood isn't frightening enough, perhaps Bloodseeker's changes will push him over the top. Along with a host of other changes, Bloodbath has been replaced by the new ability Blood Rite. You can now baptize an area in the Blood of the Twins, to show that they are always watching.
5.重塑的英雄:幻影长矛手(Phantom Lancer)
幻影长矛手(Phantom Lancer)被从新塑造。除了改变他长矛的能力,他更获得新的幽灵(Juxtapose)的能力,这将帮助他躲开即时危险和幻想混淆敌人,幻影火拼,让幻影长矛手和他的幻想一窝蜂他的敌人。
Phantom Lancer, too, has been reworked. Along with changes to his Juxtapose ability, he has earned a pair of new abilities: Doppelganger, which will help him dodge immediate danger and confuse enemies with illusions, and Phantom Rush, which allows Phantom Lancer and his illusions to swarm his foes.
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