IT 技术人员应该学懂的30个技能(中英翻译)自我反思

不久前 我终于正式进入IT相关行业
为了自己的钱途着想 特地搜索了一下应该懂的技能


1. Be able to fix basic PC issues. These can be how to map a printer, back up files, or add a network card. You don't need to be an expert and understand how to overclock a CPU or hack the registry, but if you work in IT, people expect you to be able to do some things.
1. 处理简单的电脑问题。比如,连接打印机、备份文件或者安装网卡。你不需要成为深入了解诸如超频CPU或者是入侵注册表之类问题的专家;但是因为你从事IT行业,所以人们会期待你能够解决一般的电脑故障。(如果你手下的IT技术人员没有达到这样的水准,那么开除他们。参考:如何解雇IT技术人员)
为避免被开除或未来需要开出自己部下 先储存反省完再去阅读》
[ If you have IT staffers who aren't up to snuff, fire them. Learn how to do it right. ]
2. Work the help desk. Everyone, from the CIO to the senior architect, should be able to sit down at the help desk and answer the phones. Not only will you gain a new appreciation for the folks on the phones, but you will also teach them more about your process and avoid escalations in the future.
2. 客户服务。从CIO到高级架构师都应该能够坐在客服的位置上并且接听客服热线,这样一来你不仅可以分享电话那端客户的喜悦,而且有机会给他们讲解使用的方法从而避免以后出现严重的问题。
自我反思:没问题,由于懒惰的因素 我习惯性会花更长时间教导别人避免出现同样的问题。不过还是得从新学习进步这方面的表达技能。
3. Do public speaking. At least once, you should present a topic to your peers. It can be as simple as a five-minute tutorial on how IM works, but being able to explain something and being comfortable enough to talk in front of a crowd is a skill you need to have. If you are nervous, partner with someone who is good at it, or do a roundtable. This way, if you get flustered, someone is there to cover for you.
3. 公众演讲。你应该在同僚面前做至少一次公开的演讲,哪怕是介绍即时通讯系统如何工作的五分钟演示,这样一来,你可以逐渐掌握在众人面前如何沉着稳定的解释一件事情的能力。如果你比较紧张,那么你可以请一个助手或者采用圆桌会议的形式,一旦你陷入了僵局,总有人会站出来帮你释放压力。
4. Train someone. The best way to learn is to teach.
4. 给别人讲课。最好的学习方式是教导他人。
自我评价:部落格,百度贴吧,Youtube 应该是不错的渠道我很乐意那么做。★
5. Listen more than you speak. I very rarely say something I didn't already know, but I often hear other people say things and think, "Darn, I wish I knew that last week."
5. 多听少说。我很少谈论自己不知道的事情,我更愿意倾听其他人讨论一些事情和想法,“哦,真希望我早点知道这个”。
6. Know basic networking. Whether you are a network engineer, a help desk technician, a business analyst, or a system administrator, you need to understand how networks work and simple troubleshooting. You should understand DNS and how to check it, as well as how to ping and trace-route machines.
6. 网络常识。无论你是否是网络工程师、客服人员、业务分析员或者系统管理员,你都应该明白网络的基本原理并且能够解决一些基础的故障,你应该了解域名解析并且知道如何检查,包括使用ping命令以及跟踪路由信息。
自我反思:只知道ping 和登入路由器设置IP 和跳转还不清楚这个基本的定义到什么程度,相信这方面知识还是很缺乏需查询。
7. Know basic system administration. Understand file permissions, access levels, and why machines talk to the domain controllers. You don't need to be an expert, but knowing the basics will avoid many headaches down the road.7. 系统管理。比如文件权限、访问控制以及电脑怎样和域控制器交互。你不必成为专业的系统管理员,但是多了解一些系统方面的知识可以减少很多令人头疼的麻烦。
8. Know how to take a network trace. Everyone in IT should be able to fire up wireshark, netmon, snoop, or some basic network capturing tool. You don't need to understand everything in it, but you should be able to capture it to send to a network engineer to examine.
8. 网络捕捉。每一个IT从业人员都应该会使用wireshark、netmon、snoop或者其他一些基本的网络捕捉工具。你不需要了解一切,但是应该能够捕捉网络异常并且提交给专业的网络工程师审查。
自我反思:只知道用Ip Scan ... 其它没有概念急需恶补。★
9. Know the difference between latency and bandwidth. Latency is the amount of time to get a packet back and forth; bandwidth is the maximum amount of data a link can carry. They are related, but different. A link with high-bandwidth utilization can cause latency to go higher, but if the link isn't full, adding more bandwidth can't reduce latency.
9. 延迟和带宽。延迟是指收发数据包所需要的时间,而带宽是指一次连接所能够携带的数据量。他们之间有关联,但是并不形成简单的比例关系。一个高带宽利用率的连接可能会导致延迟增加;但是如果连接没有过载,增加带宽并不会减少延迟。
自我反思:需要搜索Latency  和Banwidth的分别 我只听过Banwidth。★
10. Script. Everyone should be able to throw a script together to get quick results. That doesn't mean you're a programmer. Real programmers put in error messages, look for abnormal behavior, and document. You don't need to do that, but you should be able to put something together to remove lines, send e-mail, or copy files.
10. 使用脚本。每个IT人士都应该能够写出一个脚本来迅速完成工作。这并不意味每个人都需要成为程序员,你不需要象程序员那样——输入一个错误的信息,然后观察异常并且记录下来,但是你应该能够使用脚本一次完成一些简单的事情,比如,删除数据、发送邮件以及拷贝文档。自我反思:学了很基础的java 继续恶补 ★★
11. Back up. Before you do anything, for your own sake, back it up.
11. 制作备份。在你做任何操作之前,为了自己的便利,一定要先做备份。
12. Test backups. If you haven't tested restoring it, it isn't really there. Trust me.
12. 检查备份。如果你没有仔细检查之前所做的备份,那么你并不知道它是否真的可用。相信我。自我反思:词条加入备份check list.
13. Document. None of the rest of us wants to have to figure out what you did. Write it down and put it in a location everyone can find. Even if it's obvious what you did or why you did it, write it down.
13. 记录文档。他人没有办法清楚的知道你曾经做了什么以及为什么要那么做,即使是你认为简单的操作或者有充分的理由,请完整的记录你做过的事情,并且放置在每一个人都能够找到的地方。自我反思:需要加强
14. Read "The Cuckoo's Egg." I don't get a cut from Cliff Stoll (the author), but this is probably the best security book there is -- not because it is so technical, but because it isn't.
14. 读《the Cuckoo's Egg》。我并不认识作者Cliff Stoll也不是在推销,而是因为这可能是最好的一本不仅仅介绍技术手段的安全方面的著作。自我反思: 求购中。
15. Work all night on a team project. No one likes to do this, but it's part of IT. Working through a hell project that requires an all-nighter to resolve stinks, but it builds very useful camaraderie by the time it is done.
15. 在项目团队中通宵加班。没有人喜欢加班,但是这的确是IT工作的一部分。当你和团队成员一起熬夜完成了一个非常困难的项目,你所获得的信任和友谊是无可替代的。自我反思:这个...算是技能吗== 不好意思 吐槽了。
16. Run cable. It looks easy, but it isn't. Plus, you will understand why installing a new server doesn't really take five minutes -- unless, of course, you just plug in both ends and let the cable fall all over the place. Don't do that -- do it right. Label all the cables (yes, both ends), and dress them nice and neat. This will save time when there's a problem because you'll be able to see what goes where.
16. 规范布线。看起来容易,做起来很有学问。也许你认为部署一台新的服务器只需要五分钟——只要连上所有的接口即可。千万不要这样做,一定要按照正确的方式,给所有的线缆贴上标签(是的,所有的),并且把它们捆扎干净整齐。这样一来,一旦出现故障,你能够迅速发现问题所在,节省大量的时间。
17. You should know some energy rules of thumb. For example: A device consuming 3.5kW of electricity requires a ton of cooling to compensate for the heat. And I really do mean a ton, not merely "a lot." Note that 3.5kW is roughly what 15 to 20 fairly new 1U and 2U servers consume. One ton of cooling requires three 10-inch-round ducts to handle the air; 30 tons of air requires a duct measuring 80 by 20 inches. Thirty tons of air is a considerable amount.
17. 能源规则。你应该知道一些电源规范,比如一个耗电3.5KW的设备需要一吨的空气冷却,在这里一吨的意思不是很多,而是准确的数字。(注:3.5KW大概是一台1U或者2U的服务器的功率;一吨的冷气需要三个10英寸的冷却风扇来处理;30吨冷气需要80个20英寸的风扇,30吨冷气是相当可观的。)
自我反思:第一次听说,感觉很震撼@@ 可为何我办公室的是用风扇的,这得好好问一下经理了
18. Manage at least one project. This way, the next time the project manager asks you for a status, you'll understand why. Ideally, you will have already sent the status report because you knew it would be asked for.
18. 项目管理。如果你管理过至少一个项目,那么当下次项目经理向你询问进度的时候,你就明白为什么需要这些数据。更理想的情况是你已经把那些项目管理需要的统计数据提交给了项目经理。
19. Understand operating costs versus capital projects. Operating costs are the costs to run the business. Capital equipment is made of assets that can have their cost spread over a time period -- say, 36 months. Operating costs are sometimes better, sometimes worse. Know which one is better -- it can make a difference between a yes and no.
19. 了解项目的经营成本和资金成本。经营成本是指运行所需要的开支,资金成本是指在一段时间内(比如36个月)增加能够发挥效益的设备和人员。经营成本有时候会带来收益,有候会成为负担,分清楚其中的区别,能够帮助你做出决定。自我反思:完全能理解,不过还是得把握机会实际参与。
20. Learn the business processes. Being able to spot improvements in the way the business is run is a great technique for gaining points. You don't need to use fancy tools; just asking a few questions and using common sense will serve you well.
20. 理解业务流程。如果能够使现有的业务流程得到改善,那么就可以让好的技术赢得更多的机会。不需要使用非常复杂的工具,你只需要询问几个简单的问题并且利用已知的业务常识就可以做到这一点。自我反思:这个内容比写的更复杂,首先几个简单问题就是逻辑相关的内容了。
21. Don't be afraid to debate something you know is wrong. But also know when to stop arguing. It's a fine line between having a good idea and being a pain in the ass.
21. 据理力争。不要害怕和别人争论那些你认为有错误的结论,但是同时你必须知道什么时候应该停止,这将导致你是否会收获一个好的创意或者是是被人暴打一顿。自我反思:生活在这个世界上的人都必须学懂这一点。
22. If you have to go to your boss with a problem, make sure you have at least one solution.
22. 解决问题。如果你需要向领导汇报已经出现的问题,那么你最好至少有一个解决方案。
自我反思:Problem + Solution = Oppotunity 
23. There is no such thing as a dumb question, so ask it ... once. Then write down the answer so that you don't have to ask it again. If you ask the same person the same question more than twice, you're an idiot (in their eyes).
23. 如果你有比较初级的问题,那么确定只问一次,然后把答案记录下来,以免忘记。如果你问同一个人同样的问题超过两次,你会被当作他们眼中的白痴。自我反思:这个很多时候听清或不明白会常犯。即使要求重复并且记录总比过后重新问一遍来的有用。
24. Even if it takes you twice as long to figure something out on your own versus asking someone else, take the time to do it yourself. You'll remember it longer. If it takes more than twice as long, ask.
24. 依靠自己。即使你通过自己的努力把一个问题搞清楚需要两倍于向其他人请教的时间,那么最好还是依靠自己的努力来解决,这样你可以印象更加深刻。如果仅仅凭借自己的力量需要更多的时间,那么不耻下问。
25. Learn how to speak without using acronyms.
25. 避免在谈话中使用缩略语。自我反思:技术人员常犯的,毕竟我还是普通人阶段。好好借鉴免得日后变成火星人。
26. IT managers: Listen to your people. They know more than you. If not, get rid of them and hire smarter people. If you think you are the smartest one, resign.
26. IT经理:倾听下属的谈话。倾听下属的谈话,因为他们比你知道的更多。如果你认为他们知道的太少,解雇他们并且雇佣更聪明的人;如果你认为自己是最聪明的,那么你最好辞职。自我反思:用人是管理的一门课,这段让我感触好深
27. IT managers: If you know the answer, ask the right questions for someone else to get the solution; don't just give the answer. This is hard when you know what will bring the system back up quickly and everyone in the company is waiting for it, but it will pay off in the long run. After all, you won't always be available.
27. IT经理:如果你知道答案,那么不要仅仅给出答案,而应该向他人提出恰当的问题并让他们自己得到解决方案。当你清楚的知道每个人都在期待你尽快解决问题的时候,并且你恰好知道如何使系统迅速恢复正常的时候,采用诱导的管理方法显然是非常困难的;但是从长远来看,你将会得到来自下属的回报,毕竟,你不可能每次都恰好知道问题的答案。自我反思:记录。
28. IT managers: The first time someone does something wrong, it's not a mistake -- it's a learning experience. The next time, though, give them hell. And remember: Every day is a chance for an employee to learn something else. Make sure they learn something valuable versus learning there's a better job out there.
28. IT经理:如果有人第一次做错了事情,这不是犯错误,而是学习所需要代价。如果重复犯同样的错误,让他们回家去吧。记住:每一天都是你的下属学习的机会,确保他们学到一些有价值的东西,而不仅仅是发现别处有更好的工作。自我反思:记录。
29. IT managers: Always give people more work than you think they can handle. People will say you are unrealistic, but everyone needs something to complain about anyway, so make it easy. Plus, there's nothing worse than looking at the clock at 2 p.m. and thinking, "I've got nothing to do, but can't leave." This way, your employees won't have that dilemma.
29. IT经理:总是给你的下属比他们所能够完成的稍微多一些的工作。尽管他们会抱怨你不近人情,但是每个员工都需要抱怨点什么,所以工作繁重成为一个很好的理由。进一步说,如果你的员工在下午两点钟的时候就完成了当天的工作,他们会认为没有什么可以做的了只是不能走消磨时间而已。繁重的工作任务将使得你的员工不会出现这样的困惑。自我反思:记录。
30. IT managers: Square pegs go in square holes. If someone works well in a team but not so effectively on their own, keep them as part of a team.
30. IT经理:扬长避短。如果有人在一个团队中工作良好,但当他带领自己的团队的时候却差强人意,那么最好让他更多的在团队里工作。

这一文章被标题写为IT人员必学,我看完了根本觉得所有人必学...尤其后面几段 属于管理学的精髓

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